Master of Arts in Teaching: ‘Approval With Distinction’
Our Master of Arts in Teaching program has been granted “approval with distinction” by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
The Adam Institute has a special charge, based on the Adam bequest, to develop, support, and understand teaching that puts all students, especially those who are underprepared and underrepresented, on a path to college.
In meeting this goal, the institute strives to develop and understand powerful models of urban teacher preparation, teaching practice, and college-going learning cultures that are based as much in communities as schools. This innovative work occurs primarily in collaboration with partner schools in Worcester’s Main South neighborhood.
The programs and initiatives of the Adam Institute for Urban Teaching and School Practice — in particular, the school partnership model and the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program — have been widely recognized.
The Adam Institute’s network of K-12 partner schools is centered in Main South, a low-income urban neighborhood in Worcester. Partner schools represent a wide range of the challenges and possibilities of reform.
Clark’s Hiatt Center for Urban Education is growing a community of inquiry among youth, school- and neighborhood-based educators.
The Adam Institute works closely with Clark’s Mosakowski Institute in its focus on the behavioral health of adolescents and young adults.
The Adam Institute is a reflective partnership community. The main staff of the institute — the director, professors of practice, program coordinator, and Adam Teacher Fellows — join with partner school teachers and principals, and at times with community partners such as the Main South Community Development Corporation and Latino Education Institute, to implement the Master of Arts in Teaching program and to develop and understand powerful teaching practice and college-going cultures for all students.
The institute complements and works alongside Clark’s Hiatt Center for Urban Education and Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise, as well as other like-minded partners.
Jonas Clark Hall
Clark University
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610